Tuesday 6 February 2018

First post!

Hi! I'm Kay, welcome to my new blog!
You'll find this blog a very honest approach to family life, whilst trying to lose weight and get fit.
I have 5 stone to lose and I'm very unfit.
I have part time admin job, and run my own sewing business too. I have two beautiful daughters who love food.....but the wrong kind of food unfortunately. So I'm on a mission not only for myself, but also my two girls.  My husband can eat whatever he likes and doesn't put weight on....jammy hubby, so this isn't about him at all!
I have three 'celebrities' that have influenced me to this point; Joe Wicks, The Betty Rocker, and The Yoga Girl, so you'll hear references to them throughout.
This is a blog for me, but if it helps another person then all the better.
My starting weight is 215lb and my fitness level is extremely unfit.